Welcome to my blog! I am Michael Lauridsen, as you may have guessed from the domain name of this site. I am a full-stack web developer with over a decade of professional experience. I have designed and built over a dozen web applications from the ground up.
What is this about?
I am starting this blog because I always find myself wanting to share things I’m interested in or working on, and this is an excellent way to share them. Many years ago, I had a couple blogs that fizzled out because I never made sitting down and writing for them a priority. I want to change that with this blog. Right now, I intend for this to be a professional blog, so I’ll be sticking to topics regarding web development. In the past, I had a blog about hardware and video games, among some of my other hobbies, so these may be included at some point.
What is to come?
As for a schedule, right now, the goal is to post once every two weeks. I would love to do more, but I am swamped, and I don’t want the blog to feel like work because then it won’t be as fun to work on. Additionally, I have a few posts in mind that will require some research and testing. Right now, the next two posts I have in mind are about the making of this blog and my portfolio, and the other is about CSS frameworks that I’ve decided I must write in response to another post I saw the other day.
Thank you!
Thank you for checking my blog out; if you are interested in what’s to come here, then definitely use the RSS feed or subscribe to the mailing list below to be notified of new content when it’s made live. You can also follow me on Twitter since my goal is to post links to new posts there as well. If there are topics you would like me to cover, feel free to leave a comment or contact me on the contact page.